You Are One Step Away
From Discovering

N200,000, ​N500,000, N1Million
 Per Month 

Even If you're starting from scratch with no experience in sales, no contacts, and zero social media presence.

​Introducing ​... ​
Master Reseller VTU ​​Business Pro Investment Setup ​Solution
(​We have Finally Crack the code of Success on Telecommunication Business in Nigeria) We call this Network Chain of income System [NCOIS] because you will see how exactly you can generate Cash on demand daily through building Network Kind of VTU Business.
Grab This offer of a Lifetime VTU Business Deal before the Time hit Zero


​Are you in search of how to build a chain of Oil well Telecom Business in Nigeria & Generate over N1million ​every Month in Nigeria?

​Then We have a package for you called Master Reseller ​VTU Business Pro Solution. ​​In this package and solution, we will position your Telecom  business to run on a complete autopilot mode and allow you to build Giant Army of Resellers [GAR] in no time. Making over ​N100,0000 monthly is possible here.

​This package is for people who wish to start  and grow a  sub reseller ​Telecom  kind of Business, empowering others while you make Millions in the process using Leverage Automated Income System [LAS]. 

Setup Your Own Army Giant of Virtual Top Up Sub-Reseller Network ​And Join The Likes Of Quickteller, InstantMobileNG, MyPaga, Opay, Banks To Earn From Lucrative Virtual Recharge Business.

Do you wish to make money daily online on complete autopilot?
Do you have an existing business and need to add to the hustle for more income?
Do you own a website and want to earn extra income?

Digital Recharge business is making people like you smile to the bank daily. Don’t fold your hands and watch others enjoy.

See Earning Proof From This Business Below...



​This Business is capable to ..

Increase your income every minute even if you are a complete beginner. The concept behind this Telecom Business Package is for you to build Giant Army of Resellers that will continuously make you money every single day even when you are sleeping. This is achievable right now and when you see the big boys make millions in Telecommunication Business in Nigeria it is because they all use these strategy.


Here is a  little Case Study to wa oo You on how much you can make on this Business and Setup Solution. If you ​start up these ​business right now and then may be you have 50 Sub -resellers that you charge just N15000 each to have their own dedicated VTU portal under your network, that will be N15000x50=N750000  in pure profit this is called your first  Active income because it require your effort to bring them onboard.

Now if this 50 sub-resellers have atleast 50 customers each under their own VTU portal that will give you a total of 2500 customers running on your Telecom network, if this 2500 customers are buying just MTN SME 1 GB of data daily from your sub-resellers portal and may be you are retaining just N3 from sales of 1GB of MTN SME, then what you will be making each day from all your sub-resselllers is N3x2500=N7500, in a week, you will be making N52500, while you will be making N210000 every month This is called Passive Leverage Income [PLI]. This is just the tip of the icebarge. What if you calculate airtime and may be you are just retaining N0.5 from airtime sale, you will be making millions from these alone.


This Master Reseller VTU Portal Setup Solution is the only package that come with the 8 element that make you over 500k every month in Telecommunication business. This 8 elements are included in these setup solution.

1. Users. This are people who want to use your platform to do their normal topup & recharges. This is called your primary or free users. You need them to make big income in Telecom business every month. These user can earn you from N2000-N3000 everyday if you build 1-2000 free user. Getting free user will be shown too you via ThetelecomHackPole Blueprint

2. Resellers. This are group of people who come to resale airtime, data, bill payment from your portal for profit, this package have them in mind, here you can configure the price system for your resellers and give them more higher discount, this will force them to upgrade to get higher discount offer. How you make money from your resellers are group into 2,

a. Upgrade Fee. Each of  your reseller will pay you certain amount of money to  be able to upgrade to become a reseller under your platform. Let say you are charging your resellers N2500 to upgrade and in a month you have  let say 100 resellers who come onboard that will be N2500 X 100 = N250000 you will generate from only reseller upgrade.

b. Product Sales. Even though you have reduce the price for your reseller, we will also teach you how to still make profit from reseller transaction, here you will see the power N0.5, 1N, N2. Just to give you tip of the icebag.

If all your resellers who upgraded their account are doing N5000 transaction per day and you have let say 300 sub-resellers and may be you are retaining just 0.5% for yourself from their sales of Airtime, that means in a day you will be making N5000x300=N1500000 Divide by 100= N15000 X 0.5 = N7500, that is the profit coming from sales of airtime alone, what about data, let say each of ​your sub-resellers are buying an average of ​5GB of MTN SME and you are retaining just N2 from the sales of 5GB of MTN SME, since you have 300 sub-resellers, this will be N2x300=N600X5=N3000, what if they are all selling 10GB ​each, do the maths yourself.

3. Portal Owner. Here, these your free customer or reseller may decides to also own their very own automated portal to where they can manage and control their customer,.. Here you are making money in 2 ways,

a. Setup of a Sub-Reseller Portal.. Here you can charge your reseller let say N25k for them to own a VTU portal. What if in a month, you have 20 resellers who order for VTU portal from you, you will be making N25000 X 20 = N500,000 from setting up the portal for them these is what is called active income.

​b. Sub-Reseller Transaction Income. Each of this reseller you setup, have the capacity make you  a lot of cash vi what we called Sub-Reseller Transaction income.  

4. API User. This are people who want to connect your platform to their own back end solution. You can decide to bill your API user N10,000 to gain access to use your API.. If you have just 10 Api user in a month, that should give you N10,000 X 10 = N100,000 per month. You also make money when they start doing transaction.

5. Investors. The 5th element you need to have are Investors and Developer who  want to pay you to own the solution, here you make chunk of money as you are selling the No 1# hot in demand Software in Nigeria VTUportal Creator ​& Master Reseller Script. So here you can price your solution any amount you like and close the sale before hand using our already done  for you sale funnel which com with your package so no need to brainstorm on what to say or write. You can  make over N2M every month if you know the power behind these last element.

6. VTU Franchising: What is VTU Franchising? this is a process of building 1-unlimited more VTU system with the intention of increasing volume of user Database on your Telecom business. This blueprint is Brand new and it have the capacity to make you over N10,000 daily if done well. How it works is very simple, you build your central platform and get it right and have additional 1-10, 0r 15-100​ more VTU system on your ​network that will command raw cash on demand for you every day.  

Example if you launch extra 5 vtu system and each have let say 100 registered active users on it, total should give 500 and if this total of 500 are doing daily transaction of N500000 and you are retaining just 5% from their transaction that should give N500000/100x5=N25000 per day in a month that should give you N750000. Even if it have of it you do, you are still in profit. 

7. Technical Maintenance Income: This a Gold mine Blueprint why because this blueprint is long have been tested and proven to work. What is Technical Maintenance Income? this is the cash that come as a result of you helping your client do Technical Job for the person in his or her website. If you learn this which you will be expose to, it have the capacity to generate over 100k per month for you.

Example of Technical Maintenance Job  are, API Switch, Logo reDesign, Front UI Redesign, Site Migration, site upgrade etc. Example to proof this blueprint, if you have 200 sub resellers and 20 give you api job switch in a month which you bill at N15000 per each api switch Job that should give you N15000x20=N300000 from only API Switch Job alone. 

8. eVTU Training and Learning Biz: This is a gold mine blueprint that allow you being oga at the top to milk in raw cash everyday because here you do the job once and rip the fruit over and over again. This Blueprint is very simple, learn and understand the business and  have a platform to charge others to learn the business and charge them money for your knowledge. Estimate of N200,000 -N500,000 monthly can be made here. 

Example if you have digital VTU etraining course on may be how to code any api platform into one central platform and you are charging people N30000 to get the course and may be in a month 50 people purchase the course, that should give you roughly N30000x50=N150000.

Warning: All the above 8 Element Blueprint have been tested and proven to work countless time and they are the back bone of VTU business in Nigeria, ignore them and go home remain broke, embrace them and be counted among the millionaire in Telecom sector in Nigeria.

So if you truly and sincerely want to make over N1 Million monthly in Telecom Business in Nigeria, you must have the above 8  element Blueprint.



  • bullseye
    ​This business give you the leverage to build a chain of sub-resellers portals that will continue to pay you for lifetime .
  • bullseye
    ​This is not just VTU script alone but it have other vast function that will help you make money on autopilot like sale funnel integration, Master reseller portal so you can have unlimited sub resellers under you who connect directly to your portal and so on
  • bullseye
    ​All the Design and Setup are done for you  by our Team of professionals
  • bullseye
    ​You can resell the Script and keep 100% of the Profit margin on advance plan

Don't ​Fall for Cheap VTU​Setup Offer! ​Get a Master Reseller VTU S​etup Business Solution and be the Boss of your OWN!

​This Script work and execute Airtime & Data Recharge plus other Bills payment  in nanosecond. Below are 12 Powerful features that come with this Business setup.


​Automation System

​Airtime, Data, Bill payments are all automated and deliver to the end customers in ​milliseconds


​White-Label System

​You are standing alone as a Valued Added Service Telecom Provider [VAST]


​Central Network System

​You will have for yourself a Central Hub network where other resellers will connect to


​API System

​You will have a complete API Documentation so developers can study to integrate to your solution  


​Client VTU Reseller Script 

​You will use Client VTU Reseller ​​script to build Giant Army of ​ Resellers network that will create leverage automated  kind of income for you 


​Cut The Learning Curve 

​our Team of Tech Expert will do the heavy lifting for you to setup everything for your so you can start profiting from day 1


​Extended ​Resellers 

​Your Resellers can also have their sub Reseller under them and this will  create continuous chain of distribution of income for you as the Oga at the top  


​Sale Funnel System

​We will not just build a VAST solution for you, we understand that ​every business that will go far must  have a sale funnel system so yours will not be left behind on these.


​Cpanel Access 

​Both the Master Reseller Script and VTUPortal Creator Script will reside on your Cpanel so you can keep an eye on your business. No more interference.


​​Membership System  

​Now here is where you milk in raw Cash in the system, in these module, you will have different kinds of membership plan on your Master reseller centre so you can categorize your Sub-resellers into different level and charge them for upgrade. This alone is priceless. 


​Premium Landing pages 

​You should know by now that they said first impression matter a lot in life that is why we will take care of creating highly SEO Optimized Landing page for you and also a unique sale page for you so your business can run and bring in quality organic ​traffic for you 247 while you go to sleep


​Powerful Admin end 

​You ​are  the admin so you will be seen everything that is happening on your Central Hub Network Centre. You can trigger sale reaction with a flip of hand that will make you to get emergency cash anytime of the day when you need money. This is a handy tool that make these solution superb.

Get instant access to our ​Master Reseller VTU Setup Solution now​ @ the introductory price

​Take total charge of your Telecom business now in Nigeria and build Giant Army of Resellers around your Telecom business that will continue to pay you every second and minutes. Here you are not looking for customer but you are looking for sub resellers who will build you chain of income stream on your ​Telecom Business. 

​Master Reseller basic

Simple, fast and effective flexible move



/​Current price Now


  • 24/7 support System all days
  • ​Come with domain name
  • come with Technical Maintenance Income Training [New]
  • Come with 2 extra VTU site [New]
  • You can have resellers under you
  • ​Airtime Development
  • ​Data Development
  • Automated  Cable Subscription
  • ​Electricity epayment
  • ​Come with Affiliate referral program
  • ​Custom Design 
  • Can take 1-Unlimited   Sub Resellers VTU Website
  • Upgrade anytime
  • Membership upgrade System
  • Price Control System
  • ​5 Reseller VTU Custom Template Development
  • Business Landing page Development
  • Business Sale Page Development
  • ​Complete Cpanel  Access
  •  Ready in 1-27 Days
​Master reseller advance

Best for Developers and Large Enterprise



/​​Current price Now


  • ​ 24/7 support System all days
  • ​​Come with domain name plus 10 extra domain name 
  •   ​Come with Technical Maintenance Income Training [New]
  •   ​​Come with 10 extra VTU site [New
  • ​​Come with ​Automated eVTU learning Platform  [New] 
  • ​​​Come with VTUPortalCreator script 
  • ​​​Airtime Development 
  • ​​Data Development
  •    Automated  Cable Subscription
  •  ​Electricity epayment
  •  ​15 Reseller VTU Custom Template Development 
  • Central Hub Development 
  • Can take ​unlimited  Sub Reseller
  • Membership upgrade System
  • Price Control System
  • ​Come with Affiliate referral program
  • Bill Payment Integration
  •  Come with full eLearning Platform Come with Affiliate Pro eLearning reward program integration
  • Lead page Automation
  •  Come with 1-100 Email series
  •  Lead Magnet
  • Sale Funnel Automation system
  • ​come with Reseller WebHosting
  • Complete Webhosting Development
  • Business Landing page Development 
  • Business Sale Page Development
  • ​Custom Training 
  • Mobile app Development and free upload to playstore  
  • Free Custom Reseller Script
  • Free Custom Reseller Script
  • Access to Cpanel
  • ​Free 1 year Technical Staff assign  
  • ​Ready in 1-​60days 
Take Advantage of the Introductory Discount sale price and get this solution now. price may go back to it original price anytime sooner than expected.
​Get Started Right now 




Account Number: ​​​01​10163548.

We accept Mobile Bank Transfer, Direct Cash Deposit, ATM Transfer or USSD Transfer. 

 After making your payment, kindly ​Send us your ​Package name, Full Name, Depositor Name, amount you paid, Date of payment, purpose of your payment to ​​+234​8136367446 as SMS or Whatsapp


​Mr. Shedrach 

​One of the product that speak for it self on Telecommunication business is the master reseller VTU Portal Setup. Here you are just printing money on demand using the power of automation 

​CEO InstantMobileNG

​I have started Seeing Result 

​Thank you for the setup system, My telecom business is now running without me and I make over N4k a day which is not bad knowing how I was making nothing before.

​Great B   Buyer 

​Get Started Right Now

​Don't wait until the price f these package climb up the ceiling. order now and start taken charge of your telecom business. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for to start a Telecom business on a good ground. 

Try it Out 100% Risk-FREE for 30 DAYS!

We are so confident that you will absolutely love ​MAster Reseller VTU Setup system that we are offering a full ​guarantee that the ​Business will ​work for you as we have stated in this sale page


​I love The Support so far 

​Your support is superb I will recommend you guys to other people 

​Xectorm Telecom  Buyer.

​Package Delivered

"​I got Value for the package I paid for. Thank you Mr. Shedrach for being there with me during the setup process"

​Rose Ngene  Buyer

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