“ You too can make money on a complete autopilot by using a proven and tested and trusted Business Model that make even 12 Years Old Kid to make money come rain, come sun ”
1. Facts About GSM Users and Credit usage in Nigeria.
2. What is Virtual Top Up?
3. How does Our VTU Platform Work?
4. How our Vendor Platform Works and Why you need to be a Vendor
5. How To Make 500k/month as a Partner and VTU website owner in Nigeria
6. How to get started immediately
7. Questions and Answers
Do you know?
-According to NCC , we have over 130 million active GSM LINES in Nigeria as at June 2014.
-Telecoms Average Revenue Per User in Nigeria is N2,000 per month, therefore
-Monthly airtime usage per month is N260 Billion
-Telecoms NOW is focusing on Virtual Top Up than logical sales (Paper recharge)
-Quickteller is the biggest airtime dealer in Virtual Top Up, doing N3billion every month.
-Super Dealers of GMS Networks retain 1% commission on recharge cards sold and Quickteller retains 5%.
-You can own your own Business Selling Airtime Recharge like Quickteller and earn up 5%
Why is VTU now the Vogue?
– The BANKS are Crazy about VTU, GTB is doing VTU, Ecobank is doing VTU, StanbicIBTC is doing VTU
-Even the GSM Networks are doing VTU with their Credit Borrowing Idea and raking in 10% commission and stylishly taking market away from the Recharge Card/Paper vendors
-Recharge Card Business is fading out gradually, VTU is taking over
This is an outstanding Business to Put your Money, even the Commercial Banks will not give you this kind of commission as Interest on your Savings,
What is Airtime Credit Virtual Top Up (VTU)?
The well known way of loading a phone with airtime credit is by buying a Paper or scratch card and then loading it on your phone with a USSD code. The other way is the digital method called Virtual Top Up (VTU), with VTU, the phone will be directly credited by the vendor and there will be no need for scratching a card or loading with USSD. The buyer will just receive an alert that his or her cell phone has been topped up.
Virtual Top Up therefore is a digital way of selling airtime credit automatically.
The well known and popular way by which vendor uses VTU is by buying a VTU SIM Card, for example MTN VTU SIM Card, or Glo VTU SIM Card and then loading it with with an amount of money that will then be used a capital for vending the recharge card.
The advantage of this is that:
1. You will not need to carry Paper Recharge or Recharge Cards, helps you reduce messy Paper work and mix ups.
2. You can sell airtime on the move, so we can call it a Mobile Recharge Card business.
The disadvantage of this is:
1. You will need to buy a SIM Card for each network and also load Money on each network in order to be able to Vend. So you will need 4 SIM Cards, at least 5,000 naira credit value on each card and four phones or 2 double SIM Phones to carry all the SIM.
We now have a new innovation and more effective approach to Telecom Vending in Nigeria. This has taken care of the demerits of the SIM loaded VTU and high cost of purchasing Airtime, Data Subscription, Epins, Bill Payments. With our Store application, your user and you can do the following:
1. Use One portal, just order for our VTU package as a store owner, you or your user can also access your store portal on a Web Platform or through your Mobile.
2. Benefit as customer, If it’s N1000 naira only you have to start, you will be able to use the money to vend/sale ALL NETWORKS (MTN, AIRTEL, GLO, ETISALAT), Buy Data, Pay Bills, Buy Epins .
3. You can use any type of phone to vend airtime credit instantly.
INSTANTMOBILENG is a leading VTU provider and a strong partner to most top Tele-Com Companies across Nigeria. We have lunched our tele-com service since 2017 and we are here to ease the way you top up your phone and to give you all in one solution to all your Mobile related subscriptions needs.
Our VTU Recharge Business gives you opportunity to earn a residual income every month.
Our VTU Recharge Business is first of its kind in the industry and across the whole state in Nigeria, it affords you an opportunity to earn from the over 250 Billion Naira monthly spend on airtime in Nigeria with a very little capital
Your Mobile VTU Telecom Automated Portal will come with the below listed features:
This VTU Web Automated Telecom Platform account set up is a VTU Website set up that are run by client who want to be a partner with INSTANTMOBILENG Telecom VTU company and who also want to start Telecom and VTU Marketing business fully. The income potential from Vendor to advance package of VTU account set up is very high. With you own VTU portal, you will have one full VTU website with the ability to sell Airtime of all the GSM network with 1 - 7% Discount on all Network, Automated Buying and Selling of Data Plans, Low fee Discount on Bill Payments[Gotv, Startimes,DSTV], Great Discount on Data Sales of All Network, Bank Money Transfer Technology[Advance Plan], Bulk SMS application facility[Advance plan], Custom Email for order notification, Ability to have unlimited number of customers under your VTU store, Ability to assign commission level to your customers, Powerful and Automated Affiliate/Referral system for all your users, VTU Software Script, Video Guide etc.
Before seeing the pricing plan, kindly check out the pricing plan for products and services below
$₦125000 Products
$₦585,000 Products
$₦780,000 Products
$₦7,200,000 Products
Note: All the below Telecom Package have all the potential to make you money. You can upgrade from one package to another at any time by paying the different from your initial payment fee. Below is the feature Of each Set up Plan.
Simple, fast and effective flexible move Starting price of
Meant for Portal Owner who wish to start Telecom Business
/onetime fee
Simple, fast and effective flexible move for Owning a Reseller system
/onetime fee
Meant for Business .
PRICE: N780,000
Feature you and your user will get
Meant for Business/Investors
Feature you and your user will get
Running a Telecom Business in Nigeria with your own custom domain name makes you a lot of money combining multiple source of income. This is the best business anyone can run in Nigeria due to it full income potential and the fact that you are promoting and rendering services that are everyday demanding. Airtime recharge, Data, Bill Payment, Educational Epin, Bulk SMS, Bitcoin, AirtimetoCash is a product which you and I make use of everyday of our life. Your VTU portal is built to render this services at a cheaper rate so you stand a better chance to make daily income through this product and services. If you have like 200 customer as a VTU store owner who patronize you daily and may be they are buying from your store just 1GB of any data plan, it means you be making N20x200=N4000 per day, in a month you will be making N4000x30=N120,000. If you have 500 customer, you will be earning N10000 daily if they all buy 1GB worth of Data plan daily and in a month, you will be making N300,000. If you order for Advance VTU Store plan setup you will be making N240,000 monthly from 200 customer that buy 1GB worth of data plan and N600,0000 monthly for 500 customer. This commission is only on Data subscription, other services like AirtimeVTU, Bank Transfer, Bill Payment, Educational epin, Crypto-Currency Trading, Setting up sub reseller vtu portals for your customers is not calculated here, so you can see that you are practically making money in multiple ways everyday when people keep making use of your VTU platform to do various subscription.
In as much as Telecommunication Company in Nigeria like Multi-Choice [the owner of GOTV, DSTV], STARTIMES, PHCN, MTN, GLO, 9Mobile, Airtel, Banks are in operational, you are in business and your business will keep bringing you pure profit every single day combining various means as illustrated above. The sooner you start and place order for your own VTU portal, the better for you and you stand a chance of making up to N700,000 per month on a complete auto-pilot as a portal owner. This is a fact not a theory. Telecom Business is the second most rated business in Nigeria after Oil and Gas. The start up capital is just N19500 for basic plan which is the cheapest plan ever in the history of VTU Technology. We are not charging you a setup fee rather we are empowering you to start and grow you telecom business that brings you real income daily at almost free cost. The original cost price is N3570000 which is the advance setup plan but we are offering you the same business that have made us close to N5M in just 2 month last year for a no cost price of N19500 for the Basic setup plan. You may ask, why is our company offering the setup fee at this cheaper rate? the answer is very simple, we want you to start this telecommunication business without complain of capital or high cost of starting up.
0110163548 |
When will my website be ready? Your website will be ready in 48Hours for Reseller package down to the Basic package after domain propagation and in 1-60Days for the Advance plan
Will I have access to the Cpanel of my Website? Unfortunately no, we don't give you access to your Cpanel for Basic package do to period update
How can I add features that are not available to my current web VTU platform? You simply make payment for the features that is not available on your VTU store and our Team will add it up in less than 24hours.
How do I know the prices of products? go through our product page at instantmobile.com.ng for all the prices of products and services
Will my VTU portal have different price tag? No, the price we have at our portal is what your VTU store will have at default and you make commission when user start buying from your store
If I have a domain name can I integrate your VTU solution into my existing domain? Do to security issues, We have free API which you can integrate, kindly contact support for API Document guide or use our menu section.
What if I purchase a Domain Name to be use for my VTU platform will INSTANTMOBILE Telecom accept it? You can register your domain name with any registrar of your choice and give us access to the Client area to configure the system using our Host environment.
Is INSTANTMOBILE Telecom reselling this services or developing it in-House? We develop and brand any VTU services with user specification in few key areas and such our Technology and Application is flexible enough to allowed full Custom VTU solution for both Small and large Enterprise
Do I need to be a developer or website designer to invest on this Business? No you don't need to be a developer or designer to be able to control or administer the VTU system.
Need a Business that can sustain you for lifetime
Who want to profit from ever growing Telecom Industry and make money while it still last
Who don't want to Waste time in figuring how Telecom Biz works but you just want to start making money from Day 1 of Investing into the Business
Seeking for a Reliable Company to partner with in other to make real money by playing with the Giant
Placing order for our Telecom package is quite simple, kindly follow the instruction above and own for yourself a Telecom Business of your own. For inquiries, Kindly Call/SMS/Whatsapp our support Line on
SMS/Call/whatsapp: 08136367446
© 2025 INSTANTMOBILENG . All rights Reserved
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