
Work With Shedrach & Earn 7Figure in Telecom Business Every Month in Nigeria starting from Now 

​Spot are Limited to only 2 Student per month

“Get a Mentor who teaches you every step of how to do things from scratch and make a Million but hire someone to build for you something and depend on that person to make money. - MR. Shedrrach


work with shedrach  VTU CODE CAMP monthly 

mentorship program

​This is the time to Make a different

​This Mentorship program aim to empower you to start marking nothing less than N100,000 and over N700k monthly ​income in Telecom Business in Nigeria. In this training, Mr. Shedrach which is the CEO of InstantMobileNG and Founding father of Telecom Business in Nigeria will hold you one on one & Teach you the simple and yet most neglected secret and principle that allow you to stop chasing shadow in Telecommunication business in Nigeria and start banking over N700k monthly even if you are a complete beginner who know nothing about Telecommunication Business in Nigeria  

​Who is ​Mr. Shedrach 

​Hi Boss, thank you for stopping by today, I am Mr Shedrach, the Chief Executive Officer of Instant Mobile Nigeria. I started and grow InstantMobileNG from 2015 with my Team to a well known Virtual Topup and Telecom company in Nigeria making close to 5Million in 2019 and netting roughly 7.5Million in 2020 after the launch of VtuportaCreator script. We couldn't have done all this  without being mentored. I learnt how to run a successful business today and we are getting great result in ​our business  having master the secret and the element of the business. Why people are saying they are not making money in these business we are busy counting cash. Now is your turn to make money in Nigeria via Telecommunication Business. This Mentorship program is where I hold you by the hand until you start making money. Each 3 days, you will be receiving a lesson for the next 1 month that will guide you to become successful in running these business like a Pro.

“​Get a Mentor who teaches you every step of how to do things from scratch and make a Million but hire someone to build for you something and depend on that person to make money. 


​Class Module 1

​Setting up your VTU System the right way, Hosting, domain, keyword Research and Budgeting 

​Class Module 2 

​Understanding VTUPortalCreator Script, Installation, Database Design and Manipulation, Front & Back End Development

​Class Module 3

​Business Template ​Execution, 5 element Design, Sale Funnel, Lead Generation, Customer Retention, Sale closing, VTU niche Diversification.

​​Sale Funnel Development ​4

​​You will learn exactly how you can easily sale anything online. The skill you will acquire in t​his section of your training, will give you the ability to become a full digital marketer building sale funnel for different business and automating the entire process for your client. 


​How Much is the Mentorship 

​Looking at the Value ​you will receive and working directly with Mr. Shedrach does not come in handy but as a way to get you started, here are the plan and pricing, pick any package and get started. 

​Note: each package give you access to work with Mr. Shedrach and you will be getting the training value base on what you have paid and the package you choose. ​ 

Basic Coaching

​Get started on a good ground 




  • Work with me ​24/7 all days for the next 1 month
  • ​You will learn how to make your first N100,000-N700k each month
  • ​You will learn 5 element of VTU Business
  • ​You will learn Airtime Coding and Design
  • ​You will learn Data Coding and Design
  • ​You will learn Front & Back End VTU  Design
  • You will Learn  1 API Design & Implementation
  • Instant Job & contract Opportunity await you
  • Access to VTU Portal Script 
  •  Free Domain and Web Hosting for your VTU Practice Portal
  • Guarantee you will make back your capital in 1 month
  • Sale Funnel Development and Automation

​Become a Pro like Shedrach and Take over the race 




  • ​​Work with me ​24/7 all days for the next 3 month 
  • ​​​You will learn how to make your first N100,000-N700k each month 
  • ​​​You will learn 8 element of VTU Business 
  • ​​​You will learn Airtime,Data, TV, Electricity, Educational Epin, Bank Transfer Coding and Design 
  • ​​​You will learn Back End VTU  Design
  • Instant Job & contract Opportunity await you
  • You will Learn VTU Front End  Development 
  • You will Learn  VTU Android App Development
  •  Access to VTU Portal Script & Front End Development Tools   
  • ​You will learn Server  Design and ​Management
  • You will learn multiple API Switch  Design and Development
  • You will Learn Advance Coding in VTU & Web APP Development
  • You will Learn Sale Funnel Design & Development 
  •  You will Learn SimHosting Design & Implementation
  • Free Premium  Sale Page & Copy Design for project execution
  • Guarantee you will make back your capital in 1 month 
  • Sale Funnel Development and Automation 
  •  Free Domain and WebHosting for your VTUPractice Portal


​Laptop or Mobile Phone will be required of you to learn along 


​You need dedication and following Mr. Shedrach step by step to learn 

​Step by Step ​Mentorship

​You will be guided step by step with no step skip until you succeed

How to Pay and Book Your Own Training Slot 

STEP 1: Make a deposit/transfer of ₦​​250000 or pay for order ​Coaching package into:
Account Number: ​
 STEP 2: After payment, send an email message containing:
– SUBJECT : Request for VTU Coaching ​Training
Details to ​08136367446 on whatsapp or sms or send it to support@instantmobile.com.ng
As soon as we confirm your payment, we will acknowledge and ​enroll you in thee next Batch of our Training program.


​See what People who have benefited from this Training have to say about the ​Training  program

​I was impressed by the value and guide Mr. Shedrach put me through, even as a Medical Doctor, I was able to learn how to build my own VTU website thanks to you Mr. Shedrach. 

​Ifemara Jennet 


​Get Started now 

​Take the bold step now to enroll as a student and become the next Top Telecom Web Programmer in Nigeria and beyond. Note this training opportunity may be close anytime soon. so act now to get enroll before the next batch is fill up. 

About the ​Mentorship Program 

​This is a Practical one of one VTU BootCamp Mentorship program hosted by Mr. Shedrach which is the founding father of Telecom Business in Nigeria in this BootCamp and Mentorship, you will learn 

  • ​100% VTU Business ethics and how to bank in over 700k monthly in this business with practical demonstration
  • ​You will learn 1-8 element Blueprint that will make everything work for you like magic. this is not a guest work but real practical principle you need to follow to hit the ground running and begin to ​bank in raw Cash daily.  

These customers love ​WorkwithShedrach Mentorship

Here's why:

​I now Generate over 7Figure Monthly

​Going through WorkWithShedrach Mentorship give me the exact blueprint to start making real money on Telecom Business. Right now I earn over 300k weekly just from one 1 element blueprint alone I have not even implemented other element. This is really crazy and sound good to be true but trust me Mr. Shedrach is really geek and knows what he is doing for this country i can only dream what I am currently earning right now on my telecom Business before now 

​Last month Student attendee

​Mr. Azuka

Funairtopup ​Telecom Business owner


​Author Remark 

Hi, I’m Mr. Shedrach.

​“​Get a Mentor who teaches you every step of how to do things from scratch and make a Million but hire someone to build for you something and depend on that person to make money. 

Get started with ​My Mentorship and become profitable on your Telecom business despite!

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