Building a VTU Website is one thing but selling from your VTU Website is another thing. In today brief tutorial, I will be guiding you on how to build a VTU Website that sale in Nigeria.
What is is VTU Website. A VTU Website is an application that delivered prepaid telecom services such as Airtime,Data or Bill payment automatically in Nigeria using either an online wallet based system or an andriod mobile app.
What is Prepaid Telecom Product. This are telecom product such as AirtimeVTU, Data Subscription, GOTV, DSTV, Startimes, Electricity etc which is seeing on most VTU portal across the country.
How to Build a VTU Website that sale in Nigeria in 2022
Here I shall highlight the few step you need to take in other to build a VTU Website in Nigeria that sales
Define your Telecom Niche. Most people who want to start their Telecom business make the mistake of trying to sale all telecom product but in actual sense it is not supposed to be like that. You need to define your niche area. We have various niche and specialization in Telecom business in Nigeria, most of the popular niche are AirtimeVTU Niche, Data Niche, Bill Payment Niche, VTU Web Application Niche, VTU Web Reseller Niche,API & Developer etc. Each of this niche are ideal for you to get started, do not make the mistake of trying to service all the whole niche rather start and grow one niche first before you move to another niche.
Have a Mentorship. Do not be Mr. Know it all, have someone who you can always reach out to that can put you through in some area of your Telecom Business especially as a VTU portal owner.
Have a Guideline. Do not think you know it all, have a guideline or Blueprint that will give you an insight on how telecom business are run in Nigeria. one of our recommended guideline here is TheTelecomHackpole Blueprint, this guide help you to understand and master how to run a telecom business in Nigeria like pro. Get the blue print here.
Treat It like a Business. Most people who run telecom business in Nigeria do not treat it like a business. You need to have time to nurture and grow your telecom business. You need to have time to respond to your customer, Respond to tech issue etc.
Accessibility. Most telecom VTU portal site admin support line is not always reachable do not be like others. Have a dedicated line for your telecom Business so people can reach you easily and at when they needed you.
The above 5 step is required at each stage, if you are thinking to run effective telecom business in Nigeria that really make money this year or next year. Are you knew to telecom business, get started today by being a vendor for free or click here to pick a package to get started.