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In this training guide, we shall be looking on how any one can drive quality and targeted traffic to his or her VTU website in Nigeria to increase sales using a new social network site called SocialHub.com.ng.

What is SocialHub

SocialHub is a new and enhance Social media platform similar to facebook, instangram  and it is build specifically to help Nigeria and Nigerians in abroad  to earn money by engaging on the platform. SocialHub pay user point and the point are automatically converted to cash and the user of the platform can withdraw the cash when the participant meet the require terms and conditions of the platform.

Below summaries what SocialHubcan do for you and their terms and conditions.

SocialHub Helps you to share ideas of what is happening around you for free and also it give you wonderful tools and features to share this ideas to other social network to create massive engagement of your post and at the same time, the platform pays your for your active participation.

Point Limit and Withdrawal Term

1. You need to upgrade your account to any pro package to be able to withdraw 50% of your Social earning base on your social activities or have 200 followers to withdraw 20% of your activities earnings without upgrade.
2. Withdrawal are process within 24hours after initiating a request
3. Your Bank detail must correspond with your name you fill when creating your SocialHub account.
4. Daily Point Limit for free user is 100 why for an upgraded member is 350.
5. Point allocation to daily activities like Posting, Liking, Reaction, Blog Creation, may change with time to create more revenue for all SH fan.


Now that we have understand what SocialHub means and the pron and cons of the platform, we will look briefly on how to drive quality traffic to our VTU Website using SocialHub

1. Create your VTU Website. The first step is for you to have your own VTU Website, you can order for your own VTU automated Website from instantMobileNG which is the No #1 Nigeria VTU website creation company since 2016 or you can use another company to setup your VTU website. To other Your own VTU portal from InstantMobileNG click here . Once you are done getting your own VTU website. Go to step2

2. Create a VTU Business Page of your VTU Website on SocialHub. The process of doing that is very simple, just signup a free account on SocailHub by clicking here and after you signup, visit here to create your own business page. Check out our own page here to get an Idea of how your own page will look like. To create your own VTU Business page on SocialHub, click here. After creating your VTU Business page, you can now update your VTU Website which will help people to click to visit your VTU website and also add cover page and put your support line in-case if someone need to reach out to you.

3. Create a Group. Create a free SocialHub group  where you will be eductaing your audience about your VTU business make sure everything are related to your main page like if your vtu portal is called mydatavtu, it therefore means that your page or anything that related to your VTU page activities on SocialHub must revolves around these name. To create a group o SoccialHub, click here.

4. Post quality Content. Do not rush to tell people to start buying from your website, rather post quality content on your SocialHub Wall and also advice people to join your group on SocialHub, tell them that you will be mentoring them more for free on how to really make passive income on the internet using Telecom business. This way  people will join your group to learn from you.

5. Start Posting your offer. Occasionally may be once in 3 days, you can start gradually by posting your Telecom product on your SocialHub group, that is posting direct link for your free user to signup on your portal and also images of your product you are selling and discount offer if any.

6. Attend to their Questions and Needs. When someone ask you  question regarding your product on SocialHub, do not fail to respond positively too them.

7. Invite more to people to your Group with the in-build SocialHub sharing tools, you can Invite people on your wahatspp, Whatsapp group, Facebook, Instagram. Now during your invite, tell them to come earn free cash using SociallHub that way you will sound different. When they join your group, educate them both about SoicialHub and your VTU product offer they will naturally make choice of what to do with time.


The above shows How any one can drive quality and targeted traffic to his or her VTU website in Nigeria to increase sales using a new social network site.

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