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VTU PortalCreator Software is a advance VTUScript in Nigeria that  Allows you to easily:

  • 1​Create VTU Portal That dispense AIRTIME of all network automatically
  • 2 Create Automated VTU portal that recharge DISCO’s prepaid and Post Paid Meters
  • 3 ​Create VTU Portal that dispense SME & Data of all network automatically
  • 4 Create VTU Portal that automatically renew and activate TV Gateways e.g. Dstv, Gotv, Startimes etc
  • 5 Create BULKSMS portal that send SMS to any phone anywhere in the world
  • 6 Make Money setting up automated VTU portal for clients that are looking for this solution like crazy
  • 7 Create Mini or Large Banking Application
  • 8 Create Recharge Card Printing Portal

How to make Million overnight through selling AirtimeVTU in Nigeria as a VTUPortalCreator Portal Owner

Airtime Vending: If you create a VTU automated system using VTU Portal Creator software and may be you run a campaign for people to use your VTU system for Airtime Vending and let say, you have 1000 vtu user who buy 100 worth of airtime at a discount rate of 2% and you are retaining 2% per VTU vending on your portal, so in maths, this your 1000 clients are vending airtime  worth N100x1000=N100,000 and your are making N100,000/100=N1000x2=N2000 for each N100 airtime from 1000 client, if they are vending N200 each, you will be making N4000, if it is N500 vending per client, your profit will be N5000 daily. In a month your profit will be thus N60000, N120000, N150000 respectively . 

To Order your own VTUPOrtalCreator Script, Click here to Get started