- Products Sales: Airtime/vtu, Data, Sale, Cable Subscription, Exam Epins Start here https://modata.com.ng
- Become a Reseller: This involves upgrading your account to a reseller or API user so you can enjoy a better discount and also resale the product at a more reduced price to other people and make money from the margin you put in. Top user on https:modata.com.ng is N2000 while API users cost N10,000 for you to upgrade. To upgrade your account, kindly contact us on whatsapp 081363637446 for payment.
- Through Learning how to Code VTUScript: Now you can learn how to code VTU Script and start charging money for people who need VTU web Development Services. We have a training platform which you can check out and start to learn right away. Check here https://vtucampcode.com.ng
- Through Owning a Reseller VTU Website: A reseller VTU website give you the ability to start building sub base customer on your Telecom Business where you can give them services on Telecom such as Airtime sales, Data sale, Cable etc so you make money from the margin you setup as commission on sale of each product. Example, if you setup a reseller VTU portal now and may be you are getting 1GB of MTN SME for N216, you can decides to resale it for N225 for your end user making N9 per each 1GB of data sold, multiply it with number of customer you have on your VTU Reseller Website , you will be amazed how much you can make in a month.
- Through Owning a StandAlone VTU Reseller Website: What is a Standalone VTU Reseller website? It is a website setup system that allows you to own a VTU website that is not tied down to a particular services provider or Gateway of API service. This kind of VTU setup system gives you the freedom to switch your API to any gateway system at any time. We have 3 independent apps and solution that gives you ability to own a VTU portal that is not a reseller base
a. VTUPORtal Creator : This is a very simple application that enable you to start a standalone VTU base portal check it out https://instantmobile.com.ng/vtuportalcreator/
b. Advance Telecom APP Script: This is a license base VTU portal that help you to own a VTU portal on a standalone ground with all in one bill payment system such as Airtime, Data, Cable Subscription, Electricity, Educational Epins, Recharge Card, Membership system,. MLM etc. Check it out here https://instantmobile.com.ng/vtu-reseller/
c. Universal Script: This is a VTU solution that give you the ability to have a vtu website on a standalone and also give you the ability to switch api, the core services on this application include, AirtimeVTU, Data Sales, Membership system. Check sample here https://modata.com.ng If you need this solution chart up on whatsapp here https://wa.me/8136367446 and join our UNIVERSAL VTU SCRIPT GROUP HERE https://chat.whatsapp.com/F6Mfik989rO3IPQs5iQKsQ